Store Policies
To provide a smooth and enjoyable online shopping experience, we believe all store policies need to be clear, fair and transparent. Take a look below to learn more about ours, and reach out with questions.
When You Receive Your Order
Do not refuse delivery for minor damage. If a package is damaged, check the contents for damage before refusing delivery. If damage appears to be minor, and only a few items need to be replaced, we recommend accepting the shipment (or at least any undamaged packages) after making note of damages on delivery receipt. Damaged or missing items noticed upon delivery should be reported promptly and will be replaced at our expense. Doing this will speed up the replacement process in many cases because parts can be shipped sooner and faster.
Check the number of boxes received against the number shown on the driver's delivery sheet. If there is a shortage, write the number of missing boxes on your copy and the driver's copy of the receipt, and have the driver sign both copies.
If there is any problem with your shipment please contact us - we will quickly make any arrangements needed to fix any problems.
Returns and Refunds
Everything You Need to Know
You will need to provide your original sales order number for a merchandise credit or credit card refund within 30 days of receipt. Return shipping is the responsibility of the customer and COD packages are not accepted. Any discounts given will be subtracted from returned merchandise refunds. In the event that the product has been unpackaged and/or assembled it will not be accepted as a return and will not receive a refund. Returned products must be in original NEW condition. This includes original packaging material, manuals, and all other accessories provided by the manufacturer.
Warranty Information
Our Policy
For information about your products warranty please email us at info@suburbanlife.ca
Our Privacy Policy
Suburban Life values and respects the privacy of its customers and visitors. The purpose of this Privacy and Security Statement is to provide you with information about how Suburban Life collects, uses, and shares the information we collect from our customers and visitors. It also describes the choices you can make about our use of your information. Our collection efforts are designed to improve the shopping experience of our customers and to provide customers relevant information about our products, services, and promotions.
About this Policy
This Privacy and Security Statement describes the privacy practices of Suburban Life. It applies to our interactions with our customers and visitors, including, but not limited to: Use of our websites, including mobile websites Visits to our stores or attendance at one of our events Use of our applications for mobile phones, tablets or other smart devices Phone and email communications Social media interactions on our websites and other third party websites like Facebook, YouTube, Pinterest, Google+, Instagram and Twitter Viewing our online advertisements. Through our authorized service providers Information We Collect Contact information. We may collect the names and user names of our customers and other visitors. Additionally, we may collect your purchase history, billing and shipping addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, and other digital contact information. We may also collect information that you provide us about others.